Congress Report
Photo: Nara City Sightseeing Information Center, Kofuku-ji Temple
Photo taken by Tatehiko Yano
Nara City

Head of City Government

Mr. Gen Nakagawa, Mayor
Assumed mayoralty of Nara City (fourth term) in July 2009





276.94 km2(2024)


349,385(As of Jan 2024)
Men: 163,203 Women: 186,182


JPY1.1087trilliom (FY2020)


Upper tier

Nara Prefecture

Geographical features

Located in the northern part of Nara Prefecture, Nara City is the location of the prefectural government. The city stretches long and narrow in the east-west direction, and the area east of Mt. Kasuga is characterized by rolling hills as the northern end of the Yamato Highlands. The area west of Mt Kasuga is flat and is the northern edge of the Nara Basin (Yamato Plains). In the north there are the Narayama Hills that run into the southern hills of Kyoto Prefecture.

Main industries

Tourism related industries, traditional handicrafts, tea, Sake,etc.


City flower: Double cherry blossoms
City tree: Quercus gilva Blume
City bird: Japanese nightingale

Number of visitors

Total 9,294,000 (2022)

Official website

Sources: Information provided by Nara City (including the official website); Official website of Nara Prefecture

(As of March, 2024)