Congress Report
Photo: Nara City Sightseeing Information Center, Kofuku-ji Temple
Photo taken by Tatehiko Yano
Asuka Village

Head of Local Government

Mr.Yuichi Morikawa, Mayor
Assumed mayoralty of Asuka Village (forth term) in October 2011




24.10 km2(2021)


5,168 (as of Jan 2024)
Men: 2,468 Women: 2,670


JPY 12.3 billion (FY2018)

Upper tier

Nara Prefecture

Geographic features

Located in the southern end of the Nara Basin. Heading north from the northwest corner of the village are the Three Yamato Hills of Mt. Unebi, Mt. Miminashi and Mt. Kagu. Asuka Village is 40 km from Osaka and about 25 km from Nara City.
Asuka Village is almost at the same latitude as Xian City, China and Los Angeles, USA. Flat areas of the village are about 90 m above sea level, whereas the hilly region reaches 600m in elevation.

Main industries

Agriculture and forestry


Village tree: Zelkova
Village flower: Bunchberry

Number of visitors

446,000 (2021)

Official website

Sources: Information provided by Asuka Village (including official website), Official website of Nara Prefecture; 2021 Nara Prefecture Directory of Municipalities; Asuka Village’s manuscript of Current Situation and Challenges edited for the 1st East Asia Local and Regional Government Congress

(As of March, 2024)