Congress Report
Photo: China National Tourism Administration Tokyo Office
Yulin City

Head of City Government

Mr.ZHANG Shengli, Mayor

Assumed the mayoralty in August 2021









3.85 million (as of December, 2022)


GDP in Dunhuang City

RMB 709.14 billion ( FY2023)


Upper tier

Shaanxi Province


Geographic features

Yulin is located in the northernmost part of Shaanxi Province, at the junction of Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, and Shanxi provinces. The landform is generally bounded by the Great Wall, the north is the wind-sand grassy beach area, and the south is the loess hilly and gully area, with an average altitude of 1220 meters.


Main industries

Energy and chemical industry, modern agriculture


City symbol

Camel Statue (Landmark)


Number of visitors

36.13 million(2023)


Administrative divisions

1 county-level city, 2 districts, 9 counties.(2023)


Official website

Overview of Yulin; "Yulin Statistical Yearbook 2023"; Statistical Communiqué of Yulin on the 2023 National Economic and Social Development.


(As of July, 2024)