Congress Report
Photo: China National Tourism Administration Tokyo Office
Guizhou Province

 Head of Provincial Gov.

Mr. Li Bing Jun, Governor
Assumed the governorship in January 2021



176,167 km2



38,560,000 of Permanent Residents



2.016458trillion RMB (2022)



Guiyang City

Geographic features

Guizhou, Qian or Gui for short, is located in the southeastern part of Southwest China. Hunan Province borders Guizhou to the east, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to the south, Yunnan Province to the west, and Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality to the north. Guizhou is endowed with beautiful natural landscape, pleasant climate, multiple ethnic groups, abundant resources and great potential of development.


Major Sectors

Agriculture, tourism, finance, health-for-all industry, modern chemical engineering, advanced equipment manufacturing, quality cigarettes and liquor, big data electronic information, clean and efficient power, ecological specialty food, pharmaceuticals, basic materials, new-type building materials and basic energy etc.


Number of visits

644,366,800 (2021)


Administrative divisions

6 prefecture-level cities, 3 autonomous prefectures, 10 county-level cities, 50 counties, 11 autonomous counties, 1 special zone, 16 municipal districts, a total of 88 county-level administrative districts(updated to March 2023)


Official website



Official website of Guizhou Provincial People’s Government; official website of Guizhou Provincial Bureau of Statistics

                                                                                                               (As of March, 2024)