Congress Report
Photo: Gyeongju City, Republic of Korea
Jeollanam-do Province

Head of Provincial Government

Governor of Jeollanamdo Province Kim Yung-rok
Assumed the governorship in July 2018





12,358.9 km2


1,853,327 (2023)
Male: 909,548 Female: 894,669 Foreigner : 49,110


KRW 88,3839trillion
Per capital : KRW 48.2 million (2021)


Muan County

Geographic features

Jeollanam-do is located in the southwest corner of the Korean Peninsula, adjoining the sea to the west and south. Jeollanam-do is the starting point of the Eurasian Continent and the gateway to the Pacific Ocean, neighboring China to the west and Japan to the southeast across the sea. It has the largest number of islands with 2,166and the longest coast line of 6,872km in Korea, as well as one of the top five largest natural mudflats in the world. It has a temperate climate with distinct four seasons.

Main industries

Marine logistics, shipbuilding, petrochemicals, steel production, high-tech industry, renewable energy, green industry


Provincial tree: Gingko
Provincial flower: Camellia
Provincial bird: Oriental turtle-dove

Number of visitors(2022)

56.18 million

Administrative divisions

5 cities, 17 counties

Official website


(As of March, 2024)