Congress Report
Photo: Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Republic of Indonesia.
Yogyakarta Special Region

Head of Regional Government

Mr. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, Governor
Assumed the governorship in October 1988-present





3,185.80 km2



Men: 1.817.927 Women: 1.850.792 (as of 2020)

GDP in Special Region of Yogyakarta

IDR149,370,000,000,000. (as of 2021)



Yogyakarta City

Geographic features

Yogyakarta Special Region is located near the southern coast of Java, surrounded on three sides by the province of Central Java, and with the Indian Ocean on the south side. It’s the second-smallest area of the provinces in Indonesia, after the Jakarta Capital Region. Along with surrounding areas in Central Java, it has some of the highest population densities of Java. Mount Merapi is located to the immediate north of the region. It is the most active volcano in Indonesia and has erupted regularly since 1548.

Main industries

Tourism, education, creative industry (advertising, architecture, art market, craft, design, fashion, movies, video, photography, interactive games, music, performance art, publishing, computer and software development), agriculture and marine products (Aquaculture of sea fish, aquarium fish, etc.)

Number of visitors

416,374 (Foreign tourists)/ 5,272,719 (Indonesian tourists)

Administrative divisions

Yogyakarta Special Region --- 4 regencies, 1 city

Official website

Sources:Accountability Report of the Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region FY 2018 (LKPJ Gubernur DIY 2018), accessible through:,; Statistics Indonesia on the Demography of Yogyakarta Special Region (2020), accessible through  

(As of March, 2024)