Congress Report
Photo: Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Republic of Indonesia.
West Java Province

Head of Provincial Government

Mr. Bey Triadi Machmudin 
Inaugurated as Acting Governor in 5th September 2023 





35.377,76 km²


50,025,605 people, Population Growth Rate:1.1%,Population Density 1,365 Inhabitants/km2, the most populous province in Indonesia.
Men : 25.373 million Women : 24.652 million (as per June 2023)


US$,03 (2023)
US$ 42.001.375.752 and Economic Growth Rate: 4.57 % (as per quarter III-2023)


Bandung City

Geographic features

Geographically, West Java Province lies between 6° 54' 8.467"South Latitude and 107° 41' 28.669"East longitude, and located in the western part of the island of Java, it is bounded: on the North by Java Sea and Special Province of Jakarta; on the East by Central Java Province; on the South by Indonesian Ocean and; on the West by Province of Banten. Has fertile area which comes from volcanic deposit and posesses many rivers across so the most of the land are suitable for agriculture. This condition is supported by tropical climate with high rainfall.

Main industries

Creative economy industries; food manufacturing; manufacturing of industrial machinery and equipment; manufacturing of electronic components, devices and circuits; manufacturing of automotive.


Ovoid shape: forms of shield that is widely used by the ancient royal army
Cleaver: versatile tool that is known in almost every Sundanesse household and if necessary, can also be used as a tool of self guards.
Rice: staple food of West Java community as well as symbolizing food
Cotton: clothing symbolizes
Mountain: symbol that shows the greatest part of West Java in the form of regional mountains.
River and Canal: symbolizes the river, canal and waterways are numerous in West Java; rice fields and plantations.
Dam: water channel activities in the field of irrigation and dam is one concern principal as West Java is an agricultural area.

Number of visitors

Domestic Tourist: 52.672.603 (as per Quarter-III 2023) visitors International Tourist: 2.626 visitors (as per October 2023)
(Based on the year of 2023, provided by West Java Central Statistic Bureau)

Administrative divisions

West Java Province: 18 Regencies / 9 Municipalities, consisting of 627 districts, 663 urban villages and 5,294 rural villages.

Official website

Sources: Official website of West Java Province, West Java development data (West Java Planning Board), West Java Province in Figures 2023

(As of March, 2024)