Congress Report

The report on the 9th Congress has been updated under “What We Do”.

The report on the 9th Congress has been updated under “What We Do”.

◆The 9th East Asia Local and Regional Government Congress:
  November 1st (Thu.) – 3rd (Sat.), 2018 

For more information, please see “ 9th Congress<2018> Congress Report” under “Congress Report”.

Katsuragi City and Miyake Town in Japan have become new members.

New members have been added to the Congress. They are Katsuragi City and Miyake Town in Japan. (Katsuragi City joined on the 12 th of June, 2018 and Miyake Town joined on the 22 nd of August, 2018) As a result, the Congress now has 72 local and regional government members from 7 nations.

The congress report on the 8th Congress has been updated.

For more information, please see “8th Congress<2017> Congress Report” under “Congress Report”.

The 8th East Asia Local and Regional Government Congress “Child-rearing session” held.

The 8th East Asia Local and Regional Government Congress “Child-rearing session” was held in Tenri city. Fieldwork and discussions on the theme were conducted by working-level participants of Local and Regional Government.

◆ Date:       Tuesday, 31st October, 2017 10:00 – 16:40

◆ Organizer: Tenri city (Co-organized by Nara prefecture)

◆ Place:    Tenri city Industrial Promotion center, Tenri city office and etc.

◆ Members:  Fukui prefecture, Kagawa prefecture, Nara prefecture, Nara city, Tenri city, 
                   Kashihara city, Gose city, Ikaruga town, Asuka village and Koryo town.
(This session was held only for members of Local and Regional Government in Japan.)

◆ Lecturer:   Shigeki Matsuda, Professor at Faculty of Contemporary Sociology, Chukyo

◆ Outline:    ・Case introduction of ”Child care generation healthy support center HUG-RU”
                    activity. (Tenri city) 
                  ・Field visit of ”Tenri station square CoFuFun” and ”Child care generation
                     healthy support center HUG-RU” 
                  ・Case introduction and discussions with regard to child-rearing support were
                     conducted by Local and Regional government participants.
                  ・Lecture and Summarization were given by lecturer.

The report on the 8th Congress has been updated under “What We Do”.

The report on the 8th Congress has been updated under “What We Do”.

◆The 8th East Asia Local and Regional Government Congress:
 May 10th (Wed.) –11th (Turs.) , 2017

*For more information, please see “8th Congress <2017>” under “What We Do”.

Kofu City of Japan has become a new member.

A new member has been added to the Congress. (as of April 18, 2017)
Kofu City is in Yamanashi Prefecture of Japan. As a result, the Congress now has 70 local and regional government members from 7 nations.

The congress report on the 7th Congress has been updated.

For more information, please see “7th Congress<2016> Congress Report” under “Congress Report”.

Takayama City of Japan has become a new member.

A new member has been added to the Congress. (as of March 22, 2017)
Takayama City is in Gifu Prefecture of Japan. As a result, the Congress now has 69 local and regional government members from 7 nations.

The report on the 7th Congress has been updated under “What We Do”.

The report on the 7th Congress has been updated under “What We Do”.

◆The 7th East Asia Local and Regional Government Congress: November 6th (Sun.) – 8th (Tue.) , 2016

*For more information, please see “7th Congress <2016>” under “What We Do”.

The congress report on the 6th Congress has been updated.

For more information, please see “6th Congress<2015> Congress Report” under “Congress Report”.