
第2話 「駅鈴を得ず」~明らかになった近江軍の策略~







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英訳文を表示する(For English)

Episode 2:
We Didn’t Get the Station Bells
Discovery of the Ohmi forces’ conspiracy

December 3, 671
Emperor Tenji died in the land of Ohmi.

From May the following year, upsetting reports reached Prince Oama-no-miko's ear one after another.

One of the retainers who visited the province of Mino reported as follows: "The imperial court ordered the provincial governors of Mino and Owari to appoint laborers in advance of the construction of a tomb for the deceased emperor, but each man has been provided with a weapon. Their purpose is not to build a tomb, so it would be wiser to retreat at once otherwise there will be danger." Another man also said, ” Many guards have been deployed at various places along the way between the capitals of Ohmi and Yamato. Moreover, orders have been given to the guards of Uji Bridge to stop the transport of supplies to us.”

After hearing the reports from his retainers, Prince Oama-no-miko said, “I abdicated the throne and retired from the world with no other intention but to cure my sickness and live to a ripe old age. But now, as I am exposed to an unavoidable danger, I shall not remain silent and take the risk of losing my own life."

In June, when Prince Oama-no-miko was informed that the ministers of the imperial court were intending to kill him, he first ordered his men to block the Fuwa road and decided to proceed unarmed to the east. However, one of his retainers said, “It would be dangerous to head to the east without any troops, as this conspiracy was first initiated by Ohmi retainers.”

And so, Prince Oama-no-miko immediately dispatched Ou-no-Omishima to acquire the station bells from Takasaka-no-Okimi, who was in charge of the capital of Yamato. If Ou-no-Omishima had been given the station bells, he would have been able to procure horses and laborers and to proceed toward the east. At the same time, Prince Oama-no-miko ordered his son, Prince Otsu-no-miko in Ohmi, to prepare to assemble soldiers in case the station bells could not be obtained.

Takasaka-no-Okimi firmly refused to hand over the station bells. This clearly indicated that the Ohmi retainers were plotting to fight against Prince Oama-no-miko. Ou-no-Omishima quickly returned back to Yoshino and reported to Prince Oama-no-miko, saying, "We did not get the station bells." This simple message was sufficient to trigger a battle.

Related tourism site:

【Uji Bridge】
Uji Bridge, which spans the Uji River in Uji City in Kyoto, is believed to have already existed in 646. The Nihonshoki (The Chronicles of Japan ) shows that the bridge was used for carrying supplies to Prince Oama-no-miko.

【Den Asuka Itabuki-no-Miya Ato (The legendary site of the Asuka Itabuki-no-Miya Palace).】
A historical site designated by the national government, located in Oka, Asuka-mura.
After excavation, several palaces were discovered in layers at this archaeological site, including Empress Kogyoku's imperial palace site where the Isshi no hen (Insident of Isshi) occurred. The capital of Yamato mentioned in The Chronicles of Japan refers to imperial capitals constructed in the Asuka region, including the legendary site of Asuka Itabuki-no-Miya Palace.


住所/ 京都府宇治市宇治

交通/ 京阪電車 宇治線 宇治駅すぐ
   JR奈良線 宇治駅 徒歩5分


住所/ 高市郡明日香村岡

交通/ 近鉄飛鳥駅から奈良交通バス
   「岡天理教前」停下車 徒歩約3分