「大宮の 彼(をと)つ端手 隅傾けり」
「大匠 劣(をぢな)みこそ 隅傾けれ」
「大君の 心を緩み 臣の子の 八重の柴垣 入り立たず」
「潮瀬の 波折りを見れば 遊び来る 鮪(しび)が端手に 妻立てり見ゆ」
「大魚よし 鮪突く海人よ 其が離れば 心(うら)恋しけむ 鮪突く志毘」

英訳文を表示する(For English)
Episode 15:
A Fierce Battle of Poetry
From the Kojiki, Volume III
“Prince Woke and Shibi-no-Omi”
In ancient times, there used to be a custom among people to go to utagaki, a kind of party at which young men and women gathered and enjoyed dancing and exchanging poetry over food and drink. Utagaki were also opportunities to make a marriage proposal. They were probably like today’s singles’ parties. An episode at an utagaki is recorded in the Kojiki.
Before ascending to the throne and reigning over the nation, Prince Woke (the future Emperor Kenzo) went to an utagaki one day. There he saw a man trying to take a woman’s hand. Her name was Ouo (Ouo literally means “big fish”), and she was the woman the prince wanted to marry. The man was named Shibi-no-Omi (Shibi literally means “bluefin”), and was a member of the Heguri-no-omi (a powerful family in Heguri-cho, Nara Prefecture).
The prince made his way to the utagaki to compete against Shibi-no-Omi. Shibi-no-Omi composed the following poem and had it passed to the prince, asking him to reply to it.
Omiya no ototsu hatade sumi katabukeri
(The far corner of your palace is leaning, Prince Woke.)
The prince replied.
Otakumi ojinamikoso sumi katabukere
(It’s just that the master carpenter was unskillful.)
Shibi-no-Omi continued to send poems filled with sarcasm.
Okimi no kokoro o yurumi ominoko no yaeno shibagaki iritatazu
(Since you are weak-minded, you cannot get through the layers of hedges around my house, even though we are your vassals.)
The prince answered back with these poems.
Shiose no naori wo mireba asobikuru shibi ga hatade ni tsuma taterimiyu
(Looking at the waves breaking in shallow waters, I see a shibi (bluefin, indicating Shibi-no-Omi) swimming there, and my wife standing at its side.)
Ouo yoshi shibitsuku amayo shiga hanarereba urakoshikemu shibitsuku shibi
(A diver (indicating Shibi-no-Omi) is trying to spear a fish (indicating a woman). He will feel sad if it gets away. What do you say, Shibi-no-Omi?)
The exchange of poems continued until dawn.
The next morning after they parted, Prince Woke, with his brother Prince Oke (the future Emperor Ninken), raised their army, raided Shibi-no-Omi’s house and killed him.
For a long time, Prince Woke and Shibi-no-Omi had been political enemies, but it is not hard to imagine that what happened at the utagaki that night worsened their relationship. It seems disputes between two men for a woman’s love never disappear, throughout history.
Related tourism site:
Tsuba-ichi(Kanaya, Sakurai City)
Tsuba-ichi was an ancient marketplace where people bartered merchandise, and an origin of the markets of later ages. The area was also the venue for utagaki, a place for marriage proposals in ancient times. In spring and autumn, young men and women gathered there and exchanged love poems passionately.