
第5話 「長すぎた春の結末」

『古事記』下つ巻 「引田部赤猪子」より









英訳文を表示する(For English)

Episode 5:
The Outcome of an Overlong Springtime

From the Kojiki, Volume III

Legend has it that Ōhatsuse-waka-takeru no Mikoto (Emperor Yūryaku) occasionally ruled by tyranny, but his love stories appear quite extensively in the Kojiki, giving weight to the words ‘heroes are amorous.’ One of the heroines mentioned is a beautiful girl who the Emperor met beside the Miwa River.

After seeing her wash clothes in the river, the Emperor was moved to immediately ask her, “Whose daughter are you?” The girl answered, “I am Hiketabe no Akaiko.”

At the time, if a man asked a woman her name, that meant he was asking her to marry him. If she answered and gave her name to him, that was the same as replying yes.

“Wait for me without getting married. I will come for you right away.” the Emperor said to the girl, and went back to his palace.

Hiketabe no Akaiko eagerly awaited the Emperor never giving up hope for the day when he would called upon her. But, for some reason, imperial envoys did not come to call on her. Finally, 80 years had passed.

Already knowing that it was impossible for her to wait for the Emperor, Hiketabe no Akaiko gathered her courage and the many presents she had prepared and decided to visit the Imperial Palace. She just wanted to let him know how she felt after having patiently waited for him for so long.

After finally beging able to see the Emperor, Hiketabe no Akaiko found out that he had forgotten completely about her. The sound of her heartfelt appeal- “I just wanted to tell you of my vow of chastity”- echoed through the Emperor’s head, causing him to think that he should marry her as he promised. He decided against it when he considered their ages.They exchanged poems, and he gave her a number of gifts.

During such a long passage of time, quite a few men would have fallen in love with the beautiful Hiketabe no Akaiko. She must have refused all marriage proposals and kept waiting with just this one promise of happiness in mind.This may be what true love is like.

Related tourism site:

Wakimoto Ruins, Wakimoto, Sakurai City
The Imperial Palace of Ōhatsuse-waka-takeru no Mikoto (Emperor Yūryaku) is identified as the Hatsuse-no-asakura Palace Site. The ruins are thought to originate sometime between the Yayoi Period and the Asuka Period. The remains of a building were excavated in this area.


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