
第1話 「虎に翼をつけて」~古代最大の戦い「壬申の乱」の始まり~

ときの天智天皇は病床にあった。激しい痛みと苦しみに、わが余命がわずかであることを悟られた のだろうか。弟で皇太子の大海人皇子を呼び寄せ、皇位を授けようとおっしゃったのだった。

しかし、皇子は首をたてに振らなかった。「私はもともと病気がちで、こんな体ではとうてい国家を 保つことができません」。そして、天皇の息子である大友皇子を皇太子とするよう提案するのだっ た。


実は、天皇の病床に呼び出されたとき、かねてより大海人皇子が目をかけていた蘇賀臣安麻呂が使 いであった。
安麻呂はそれまでの恩に報いるかのように、「用心してお話しなさいませ」と皇子に耳打ちをした。 これは、なにか陰謀が渦巻いていることを疑ってのことだったのだろうか。




※人名地名の読み方は『新編 日本古典文学全集』(小学館)にならっています。

英訳文を表示する(For English)

Episode 1:
Giving a Tiger Wings
The prelude to the Jinshin War, the largest civil war in ancient Japan

October 17, 671
Emperor Tenji, who reigned over Japan at that time, was confined to his bed due to illness. Did he know from his fierce pain and agony that his life would soon be over? He called his younger brother, the Crown Prince Oama-no-miko (the future Emperor Temmu), to his palace,. and asked him to succeed to the position of the emperor.

However, Prince Oama-no-miko did not accept the Emperor’s offer. Instead, he answered, “I am not very healthy. I am not an appropriate person to reign over the country.” He proposed that Prince Otomo-no-miko, a son of the Emperor, should be the crown prince.

“From today, I shall become a monk and will pray for Your Majesty’s good health and prosperity.” Prince Oama-no-miko declared his will as such, and the Emperor respected this. Oama-no-miko was a man of his word and promptly became a monk. He returned all his weapons to the imperial court.

However, when the Prince was summoned to the Emperor’s death-bed, the Emperor’s messenger at the time was Soga-no-omi-Yasumaro, whom Oama-no-miko had favored. Yasumaro secretly warned the Crown Prince, “Be careful with your answer to the Emperor,” as if to repay the Crown Prince’s earlier kindness. Did he know there was some conspiracy? We do not know whether it was because of Yasumaro’s secret warning or because the Crown Prince himself had thought out what to do in advance, but in any case, Prince Oama-no-miko behaved extremely cautiously. Two days later, wearing religious vestments, which showed he had abandoned his right as a successor to the Imperial Throne, he departed from Otsu-no-miya Palace in Ohmi, crossed over Mt. Osaka via Yamashina and headed for Yoshino-no-miya-Palace.

But Prince Oama-no-miko was outstanding by nature and he was praised for having a superhuman warrior’s virtue, especially after growing up. People predicted that there was no way he could spend the rest of his life as a monk. It is said that a certain man who was watching Prince Oama-no-miko leave for Yoshino-no-miya Palace commented, “The emperor has released a tiger after giving it wings.”

In December of the same year, Emperor Tenji died at the age of 46. The countdown for the Jinshin War, the largest civil war in ancient Japan, had quietly but surely begun.

Related tourism site:

【Yoshino Miyataki area】
Prince Oama-no-miko became a monk and gave up all his weapons. He then set out for Yoshino, far from Otsu-no-miya Palace in Ohmi.

【The monument at the Sakuragi Shrine in Yoshino】
This shrine is dedicated to Emperor Temmu. A stone monument standing there bears an inscription of the following words from the Nihonshoki (The Chronicles of Japan): “The tiger was released after being given wings.”


住所/ 吉野郡吉野町宮滝

交通/ 近鉄大和上市駅から奈良交通バス
   「宮滝」停下車 徒歩約5分


住所/ 吉野郡吉野町喜佐谷423

交通/ 近鉄大和上市駅から奈良交通バス
   「宮滝」停下車 徒歩約5分